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An order issued by the court requiring the subject of the order to refrain from doing something, often issued in conjunction with domestic violence or custody disputes.

Restraining order (Wikipedia)

A restraining order or protective order, is an order used by a court to protect a person in a situation involving alleged domestic violence, child abuse, assault, harassment, stalking, or sexual assault.

220px Restraining Order
A restraining order issued by the Justice Court of Las Vegas.

Restraining and personal protection order laws vary from one jurisdiction to another but all establish who can file for an order, what protection or relief a person can get from such an order, and how the order will be enforced. The court will order the adverse party to refrain from certain actions or require compliance with certain provisions. Failure to comply is a violation of the order which can result in the arrest and prosecution of the offender. Violations in some jurisdictions may also constitute criminal or civil contempt of court.

Restraining order (Wiktionary)



restraining order (plural restraining orders)

  1. (law) An order issued by a court of law or other legal authority for a specified timeframe forbidding the restrained party from contacting and close proximity to the protected party and other restrictions, usually
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