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Edibles are a large variety of different foods that are created using Cannabis concentrates. Generally edibles are made using infused sugar, infused oil, or infused butter. A small list of edibles includes:

  1. Gummies
  2. Lollipops
  3. Taffy
  4. Candy
  5. Brownies / Baked Goods
  6. Sodas / Drinks (such as Bhang)
  7. Cannaoil or Cannabutter mixed in with other food items such as popcorn or salad dressing.
Edibles (Wikipedia)

An edible item is any item that is safe for humans to eat. "Edible" is differentiated from "eatable" because it does not indicate how an item tastes, only whether it is fit to be eaten. Nonpoisonous items found in nature – such as some mushrooms, insects, seaweed, and so forth – are referred to as edible. Processed items that normally are not ingested but are specially manufactured to be so, like edible underwear or edible packaging, are also labeled as edible.

220px A Number of the Best Edible Fungi%2C illustration from The Encyclopedia of Food by Artemas Ward
A Number of the Best Edible Fungi, illustration from The Encyclopedia of Food by Artemas Ward, 1923
Edibles (Wiktionary)




  1. plural of edible
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