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Aeroponics is a hydroponic cultivation method where the plant’s roots are suspended in air and sprayed regularly with a fine mist of nutrient solution. Unlike other hydroponic methods, aeroponically grown plants do not have their roots suspended in water.

Aeroponics (Wikipedia)

Aeroponics is the process of growing plants in an air or mist environment without the use of soil or an aggregate medium. The word "aeroponic" is derived from the Greek meanings of aer ("air") and ponos ("labour"). It is a type of hydroponics, since water is used in aeroponics to transmit nutrients.

220px NASA Aeroponics International lettuce day30
Lettuce and wheat grown in an aeroponic apparatus, NASA, 1998
Aeroponics (Wiktionary)



From aero- +‎ Ancient Greek πονος (ponos, work, labour) +‎ -ics.


aeroponics (uncountable

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